A worldbuilding project by Max Portugal


The story in Starfall takes place in the world of Eleria. When a deathly curse that has been dormant for centuries makes itself know once again, it´s up to a royal herald from the fire kingdom to find a way to put an end to it once and forever. Along the way he gets to travel through lands he has never seen and meet people with all sorts of curios personalities.

What is Starfall?

Starfall is a project that started off as a multi-artist worldbuilding effort, though to several reasons it ceased to exist. This website showcases my part in the project that has developed into its own completely detached iteration.This version of the project follows a protagonist with a set goal and a defined narrative structure.

World Lore

This world has a lot of important events and historical context for its narrative. Be sure you don´t get lost by checking out it´s timeline along with the glossary!


World Map

Eleria is a land full of kingdoms not only on the surface, but also different dimensions. It goes all the way from the underworld to space!


check out old concept pieces and design drafts!

Magic system


War of the Divine
Long ago, when there was still nothing, the Primordial Gods arose from the vastness of space and came together to create the world of Eleria. It was a peaceful and prosperous land for a while, yet somehow, the power these beings possessed along with the magic they laid on the land itself drove these gods to insanity. The ensuing battle was a violent one, with constant fights for power and battles between Primordials and their own creations ensuing.
Then, just as quickly as the Divine Madness came, so did people willing to stand up for it. One by one, the Primordial Gods fell, their corpses contaminating the lands they once ruled, and new heavenly figures rose up to take their place. This new heavenly order is called The Divine, and they rule the land of Eleria to this day, ensuring it´s safety and protection at any cost necessary.

Allogenes and Avatars
When Divine roam the land they leave pieces of their energy behind called Fragments. Fragments vary in strength but they usually leave the land they’re in with unusual characteristics like overgrown lifeforms or complete lack there of. Sometimes, this energy seeps into beings and give them enhanced abilities related to the god whose Fragment they absorbed. People who gain these powers are called Allogenes. The Allogene that possesses the most energy from a Divine is considered that Divine´s Avatar

To reach divinity, a living being must become an Allogene of an already existing god and perform an act of so much impact that it allows them to ascend to a celestial position. There can only exist 7 Divine at a time and these beings are responsible for protecting the values which allowed them to gain their divinity, otherwise their power starts dimming until they´re mortal once again. If a Divine is turned mortal again or dies at the hand of another god, that leaves that god´s position open for another Allogene to take it´s place.

the divine

GALEIA Divine Sun
Goddess of Light, Life and War
JEKYLL Divine Death
God of Death, Balance and the
Journey to the Afterlife
NORIKO Divine Sea
Goddess of the Tides, Music and Arts
CELENENA Divine Moon
Goddess of the Night, Fate and Visions



The Accounts of Divinity is a magic book with no writer. This book contains the ever-changing stories of the several Divine, Allogenes and Avatar that have inhabited Eleria throughout the ages. Because this is a magic book always writing itself, this manuscript has no end and will only be finished once Divine cease to exist completely. No one knows about the current location of The Accounts of Divinity, with theories suspecting it to be all the way from in the possession of one of the Divine themselves, to it being all the way in an underwater temple.


Crescendo of the Second Sun
The Crescendo of the Second Sun is the chapter dedicated to the story of Galeia, the second Divine Sun. Long ago, the Primordial Death fell to madness which drove him to go on a killing spree where he killed the former Primordial Sun along with most of his subjects, the First Humans. Galeia, a mortal woman at the time, lead what was left of her people to battle, where after a lot of bloodshed the Primordial Death was defeated. For that, Galeia was allowed to ascend to Divinity, becoming the Second Sun and taking the role of the now deceased Primordial. This chapter also includes other feats of Galeia after her ascension, such as her battle with and slaying of the Primordial Tide, whose Remnant after death allowed the location of the future Coral Empire to flourish. It’s because of this battle that Galeia is one of the main divine worshipped in Sangonomachi.
Pianissimo of the Divine Death
Jekyll Chapter [WIP]
Allegro of the Divine Sea
Noriko Chapter [WIP]
Arpeggio of the Divine Moon
_Celena Chapter [WIP]

nations, magic and species

The world of Eleria is home to a plethora of magical beings all from different regions and unique customs and cultures.
It´s important you understand them before venturing into uncharted territory!

Pick your expedition destination wisely

meet the cast

In order to make it through the world of Eleria, you´ll need friends you can trust...

Chose your travel companion!


Originally a Herald for the Royal family, Cass´s life changed the day he ate a magical plant that have him a fraction of the powers of the Goddess of the Sun. Now that his home and everything he knows is at risk of being taken away in the blink of an eye, he finds himself having to leave behind everything he knows in search of a way to stop the Dark Death.


Still a young fledgeling just recently out of the nest, Rook is a Huntress apprentice and the adoptive daughter of the White Queen. Now she´s in an all or nothing situation where she must prove herself to her peers by hunting down her first Allogene by herself, yet when she meets Cassian, her views take a turn. Will she do as she is expected to by her peers, or forge her own path?


As the crown princess of the Coral Empire, Kumiko has been smothered and pampered her entire life, and yet all she has wished for is one thing: freedom and independence. She constantly defies the orders from her mother, sneaks out of the palace to venture out on her own and hangs around an unsavoury crowd. But what will she do when one rebellious adventure goes too far and becomes too much for her to handle?


Cassian´s father and the once looked up to General of Hellsgate´s Royal Army. After tragedy strikes his family, he is forced into exile and sentenced to become a lone ranger in the woods, protecting the kingdom from afar. One day when he is out on patrol, he finds a mysterious stranger that he takes into custody for questioning, and just a few days later, he sees an all too familiar figure leaving the kingdom´s borders. He feels compelled to help his son on any way he can, and with the help of his mysterious new friend, he might just know how.


The lost prince of a fallen kingdom cursed with immortality and seeking revenge for the tragedy that befell his people. Warick has been roaming around the caverns that were once his home for centuries, and has only now been finally been able to find his way out. Unluckily for him, he immediately comes face to face with a lone ranger determined to protect his kingdom. Will the two manage to put their differences aside if it means Warick will be able to have his chance at redemption and to reclaim his rightful place as king?



The fiery kingdom at the edge of the known world. This nation is home to several vulcanic habitats that showcase abundant life can be found even in the most unlikely places. Plants of all kinds have adapted to live a long and prosperous life here and have become an indispensable part of the cycle of life of all sentient being inhabiting this land. Hellsgate is home to some of the biggest and smallest sentient species in Eleria.

sentient species

Lavawalkers are some of the most ancient inhabitants of Eleria, something seen in their increased size compared to most of the humanoid species living in this day and age. They´re gentle, peaceful creatures that mostly inhabit the shores of lava lakes and rivers. They share characteristics similar to cows and other type of kettle, yet have developed tough hides and thick heat resistant fur that allows them to travel across lava rivers.
Lavawalkers are social creatures by nature, and due to their long lifespans, they tend to form large, stable communities consisting only of members of their own species. They form lifelong bonds, and tend to have only one or two offspring their entire life.

Firespawn once made up the biggest chunk of the population of the land that would later become Hellsgate. They´re small, fragile looking creatures with dark, ashen and semi-translucent skin that allows them to blend in with the basalt spikes where they originally came from. Most Firespawn have a very scrawny, bony frame, and if found in a conflict, they´ll chose to flee instead of fight, since they´re passive scavengers by nature.
As the years passed, their population dwindled significantly due to crossing with other compatible species after the formation of the Unified Kingdom of Hellsgate that lasts. A lot of remnants of the Firespawn are visible in the subspecies that exist at this time, yet it´s rare to find a "pure blooded" Firespawn.

Like Firespawn, Hogfolk are one of the founding species of Hellsgate, however, unlike their demon-looking distant cousins, they did not mingle with other species and instead mostly kept to themselves in closed off villages, leading to barely any changes being visible to this day.
Hogfolk have tough skin that is hard to pierce and faces similar to that of common pigs, hence the name usually associated to them, They have strong tusks and even stronger tempers. Hogfolk have seen many battles, mostly between their own tribes, though because they have such strong skin, they´ve refined the craft of weapon-making like no other culture in the Known World, and after the founding of the Unified Kingdom, a lot of them began making a living by making and selling weapons to nobles and the Royal City.

Harpies are some of the most commonly found descendants of Firespawn that intermingled with other species. Harpies are hybrids between the aforementioned Firespawn and Avians from overseas, leading to their unique appearance. If Firespawn were already frail looking, then Harpies look like they´ll snap like a twig. They´re very nimble, and carry the horns of and tail of their Hellish forefathers while having the advantage of having strong wings and hollow bones thanks to their avian ancestry.
Harpies can travel very long distances in a short timespan, hence making them perfect for correspondence and fast delivery jobs. A lot of them have moved to the big city and work as heralds.



A big majority of the creatures living in Hellsgate are amagical, since the land it sits on was not a major battle zone during the war of the divine, however what they lack in magic, they make up in renewable energy.
Long ago, a comet fell in the heart of Hellsgate, which after the foundation of the Unified Kingdom was studied and became an unlimited power source for the entire city.

fauna and flora


Important characters

Royal Herald
"The Butcher of Hellsgate"
Former Captain of the Royal Guard
WAGNER Hogfolk
Royal Blacksmith
ARGON Lavawalker
Royal Caretaker



The no man´s land that everyone wants for themselves. The wastelands are a vast expanse of savannah territory with desert areas and clay deposits by the shores. It might look barren at first, but it´s home to several factions of outlaws that seek refuge in the vastness of the desert. As for it´s savannah territory, it´s the home of several Animal-like humanoid species all living in harmony with the land that surrounds them.

sentient species

Although they exist in many areas of the continent, the wastelands are the homeland of the Foxfae, a species of magical fox beings with the ability to shapeshift into whatever they wish. They are beings full of mischief and trickery, with eyes that show how quick witted and astute these beings are,
They were originally known for taking the form of fennec foxes in the desert, but now take forms so unique the look almost jackal and wolf-like in terms of their size. Foxfae are not very high on the magical hierarchy, with most of their powers being merely related to illusions and trickery, but they are very sensitive to the magic around them. They can tell when a magic disruption is about to happen before any other species, and because of that, it has become a common myth that it´s a bad omen if a Foxfay passes through town in a rush.

Adaptable but cold blooded individuals, Corocodillians are the apex predators of the areas they live in. They live above ground during the night, when its fresher and they can gather for a hunt without risking the heat exhaustion of the strong sun, and during the day chose to live in the underground tunnels that expand for miles underground, creating a network that connects every house in a single community. They are weary of strangers, however they´re also curious, and so if another creature ventures into their land, they´ll try to test it to evaluate if they can be trusted, however, if you are trusted by them, you are sure to have a home for you at any time, even if it´s been years since your last visit. Corocodillians are one of the species with the longest lifespan along with Lavawalkers.



Much like the inhabitants of The Unified Kingdom of Hellsgate, the citizens of the Wastelands are mostly amagical or weak magical beings, although unlike their western neighbours, even amagical individuals have an innate magical sensitivity that allows them to travel the land like it´s the palm of their hand. It´s this magical sensitivity that makes the inhabitants of this region naturally born trackers and hunters.

fauna and flora


Important characters

Current God of Death and Balance
Bounty Hunter
RENFIELD Corocodillian
First Mate of the Crimson Mary

coral empire


Unlike the other kingdoms on the land, the Coral Empire´s population consists of mostly all one species. This nation is also the home of the most advanced technological achievements of Eleria, and the main sponsor of the Imperial Academy of Science, the most coveted university for all of those seeking to learn more about automatons and machinery.

sentient species

Merfolk native to the the Coral Empire and the surrounding oceanic depths. They´re medium size when in their land forms, but can from to massive sizes underwater. Naiad allogenes, gain a trait that allows them to transform into giant sea monsters called Leviathans. Naiads are almost fully magical beings, being more in tune with their element more than any other species in Eleria. Because they´re such spiritual beings, they get very curious about how to improve the world around them through a physical lens, which has lead them to become pioneers in everything technological through their steam-powered machines. Naiads tend to be very welcoming creatures, and although they´re the only sentient native species to the Coral Empire, they love to learn about the cultures of those from abroad who come to study at the Science Institute. They´re also amphibians, with the ability to live both on land and water, tough when on land, they can only thrive in areas if high humidity.



Because of the feats of it´s matriarch, Empress Noriko, the land where the Coral Empire is settled is home to some of the most magic-abundant creatures in both land and sea, with the bodies of the two previous Gods of the Sea fuelling the land´s magical environment. With these unique life conditions, the natives of the sea are almost fully magical spirits with little attachment to the physical world. When a magical creature dies in the Empire, they will be immediately reincarnated as another magical see being, continuing the magical cycle.

fauna and flora


Important characters

Noriko Beta Fish Naiad
"The Third Tide"
Current Goddess of the Sea, Arts and Music
Empress of the Coral Empire
Kumiko Beta Fish Naiad
Crown Princess of the Coral Empire
Satorou Mantis Shrimp Naiad
Imperial Scientist
Professor at the Imperial Academy
Kaiman Octopus Naiad
Captain of the Crimson Mary
Marco White Shark Naiad
Navigator of the Crimson Mary
Honey Lemon Shark
Imperial Fashion Designer

Frost Mountains


A cold and unforgiving climate home to only the toughest wild creatures and a strange group of human settlers. Atop the mountain sits a stone fortress built by a faction simply known as The Befallen. No one choses to travel through the frost mountains if they can help it, with the exception of the Huntresses, figures at the service of The Befallen you never want to encounter while out in the wild by yourself.

sentient species

The Order of the Befallen
The humans living on the mountaintops of these mountains are not like the ones living on the pains at ground level. These humans are former members of the Cult of the New Sun, still believing the same ideals their leader once did. They are ruthless to those who trespass into their land, even if they´re an unrecognised nation operating in secret. They conduct experiments much like the ones ran by the cult their accessors ran, and created the Huntresses to hunt down Allogenes in hopes of harvesting their godly powers in an attempt to turn into gods themselves.



Because of the feats of it´s matriarch, Empress Noriko, the land where the Coral Empire is settled is home to some of the most magic-abundant creatures in both land and sea, with the bodies of the two previous Gods of the Sea fuelling the land´s magical environment. With these unique life conditions, the natives of the sea are almost fully magical spirits with little attachment to the physical world. When a magical creature dies in the Empire, they´ll be immediately reincarnated as another magical see being, continuing the magical cycle.

fauna and flora


Important characters

Ruler of the Befallen
ROOK Avian
Huntress in training
Ward of the White Queen



A once prosperous kingdom, now lost to the sands of time. Kiradim was a mighty underground kingdom and the homeland of one of the First Human Kingdoms after Galeia´s ascension. The people of Kiradim were gifted in the Arts, Crafts, and Navigation, with vast maps of the stars that they could use to navigate underground thanks to the sky´s reflection on gemstones scattered through the cave walls. This is also the birthplace of Alchemy, however it did not have the chance o research it much before a deadly disease-like curse plagued the kingdom, leading to it´s quick and merciless downfall.

sentient species

While certainly not the first humans to walk the lands of Eleria, Kiradim was the biggest human kingdom formed Post-War of the Divine.



Being a predominantly human kingdom, Kiradim was a mostly magicless one too. However, not being fond of this limitation, the humans of Kiradim created Alchemy, a form of dark magic that allows humans to manipulate the supernatural by absorbing the magical life force of magical beings. This is a practice that has been banned in most of today´s kingdoms, with it´s users being scrutinised greatly for it´s unethical use.

fauna and flora


Important characters

Former king of Kiradim
Former Queen of Kiradim
WARICK Alchemy Creature
King of Kiradim
Former Nobleman
JESTER Alchemy Creature
Living extension of the Dark Plague